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El Vez MeX mas Especial
Olde Man MeX mas is back! El Vez the Cross Cultural Caped Crusader Mexican Elvis w over 30 years of Christmas shows in his sack returns w the El Vez MeX mas Especial 2024 w The Centuries. El Vez strips it down this year w his most Rock a billy show ever. The Memphis Mariachis The Lovely Elvettes are switched out for So Cal Favs Sandy Dylan Bert The Centuries. Getting closer to his Elvis Roots but still as far out as an Elvis Impersonator can get. Still a costume changing musical mash up of the many moods of Christmas but this time w a stand up bass travis picking guitars. Heck El Vez will even be playing guitar! A new show for our new upcoming year! Looking forward as we look back to whatever future Christmas holds in store. And yes come visit the EL VEZ MEX mas Merch Store! MeX mas is a time for giving give yourself the a treat the gift that keeps on giving El Vez MeX mas Especial 2024 w The Centuries!
104 N Ave 56, Los Angeles, CA, United States